A Nonrecursive Model
Obtaining Standardized Estimates
Before you perform the analysis, do the following:
E From the menus, choose View > Analysis Properties.
E In the Analysis Properties dialog box, click the Output tab.
E Select Standardized estimates (a check mark appears next to it).
E Close the dialog box.
Here it can be seen that the regression weights and the correlation that we discovered
earlier to be statistically insignificant are also, speaking descriptively, small.
Obtaining Squared Multiple Correlations
The squared multiple correlations, like the standardized estimates, are independent of
units of measurement. To obtain squared multiple correlations, do the following before
you perform the analysis:
E From the menus, choose View > Analysis Properties.
Standardized Regression Weights: (Group number 1 -
Default model)
attract -.006
Correlations: (Group number 1 - Default model)
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