Chapter 1
Example 9 and those that follow demonstrate advanced techniques that have so far not
been used as much as they deserve. These techniques include:
Simultaneous analysis of data from several different populations.
Estimation of means and intercepts in regression equations.
Maximum likelihood estimation in the presence of missing data.
Bootstrapping to obtain estimated standard errors and confidence intervals. Amos
makes these techniques especially easy to use, and we hope that they will become
more commonplace.
Specification searches.
Bayesian estimation.
Imputation of missing values.
Analysis of censored data.
Analysis of ordered-categorical data.
Mixture modeling.
Tip: If you have questions about a particular Amos feature, you can always refer to the
extensive online Help provided by the program.
About the Documentation
IBM SPSS Amos 21 comes with extensive documentation, including an online Help
system, this user’s guide, and advanced reference material for Amos Basic and the
Amos API (Application Programming Interface). If you performed a typical
installation, you can find the IBM SPSS Amos 21 Programming Reference Guide in
the following location: C:\Program
Files\IBM\SPSS\Amos\21\Documentation\Programming Reference.pdf.
Other Sources of Information
Although this user’s guide contains a good bit of expository material, it is not by any
means a complete guide to the correct and effective use of structural modeling. Many
excellent SEM textbooks are available.