Example 6
The matrix of implied covariances for all variables in the model can be used to carry
out a regression of the unobserved variables on the observed variables. The resulting
regression weight estimates can be obtained from Amos by enabling the
Factor score
check box. Here are the estimated factor score weights for Model C:
The table of factor score weights has a separate row for each unobserved variable, and
a separate column for each observed variable. Suppose you wanted to estimate the ses
score of an individual. You would compute a weighted sum of the individual’s six
observed scores using the six weights in the ses row of the table.
Obtaining Tables of Indirect, Direct, and Total Effects
The coefficients associated with the single-headed arrows in a path diagram are
sometimes called direct effects. In Model C, for example, ses has a direct effect on
71_alienation. In turn, 71_alienation has a direct effect on powles71. Ses is then said
to have an indirect effect (through the intermediary of 71_alienation) on powles71.
E From the menus, choose View > Analysis Properties.
E In the Analysis Properties dialog box, click the Output tab.
E Enable the Indirect, direct & total effects check box.
For Model C, the output includes the following table of total effects: