
VTxxx full-screen mode considerations
Set VT Mapping Tables (SETVTTBL) command 164
setting up 183
SETVTTBL (Set VT Mapping Tables) command 207
Start TCP/IP Telnet (STRTCPTELN) command
applicable parameters 166
supported attributes 208
system request 207
Web browser
enabling 329
MIME header 328
starting a session to an AS/400 system 332
WebConnection 319
well-known port
definition 17
Windows 95
address book, POP mail server 311
wireless LAN 22
work management 233
Work Station Function Keys (WSFKEYS)
command 161
Work with Active Jobs (WRKACTJOB) command 138,
363, 434
Work with BOOTP Table (WRKBPTBL) command 379
Work with Configuration Status (WRKCFGSTS)
command 229
Work with Hardware Resources (WRKHDWRSC)
command 128
Work with Registration Information (WRKREGINF)
command 325, 334, 537
Work with RouteD Configuration (WRKRTDCFG)
command 392
Work with Server Table (WRKSVRTBLE)
command 333
Work with SLIP jobs 135, 137
Work with Spooled Files (WRKSPLF) command 139
Work with Tables (WRKTBL) command 530
work with TCP/IP connection status 60
Work with TCP/IP Network Status (WRKTCPSTS)
command 55
Work with TCP/IP Point-to-Point (WRKTCPPTP)
command 135, 137
Work with TCP/IP Status (WRKTCPSTS)
command 436
working with
active PPP jobs 138
communications trace 493
configuration status 229
hardware resources 128
job log 438
message queue 438
SLIP job 135
active 137
spooled files 139
tables 530
workstation gateway server (WSG)
accessing through Operations Navigator 319
AS/400 menus 343
workstation gateway server (WSG)
bottom banner URL 319
buttons 339
changing 337
CL commands 512
clients per server 325
coded character set identifier (CCSID) 328
configuration examples 337
configuring 321, 323
customizing online help information 330
definition 14
ending 320
example exit program for sign-on display 571
exit point 569
exit point interface (QAPP0100) 569, 570
exit program 329
exit program for sign-on display 571
FAQs 342
help panel URL 327
HTML transformation rules 335
logging access 327, 330
managing virtual devices 322
menu boxes 340
online help 329, 338
overview 319
problem analysis 480
QAPP0100 parameter descriptoins 570
QAPP0100 required parameters 569
sample display 336
sample logon exit program 572
secured sockets 335
security 334
server mapping tables 328
session identifier 333
session signature 333
starting 320
starting a client session 332
starting automatically 320
supported URL formats 334
top banner URL (TOPBNRURL) 327
URL 319
workstation type negotiations 229
wrapping, automatic 207
WRKACTJOB (Work with Active Jobs) command 138,
363, 434
WRKBPTBL (Work with BOOTP Table) command 379
WRKCFGSTS (Work with Configuration Status)
command 229
WRKHDWRSC (Work with Hardware Resources)
command 128
WRKREGINF (Work with Registration Information)
command 325, 334, 537
WRKRTDCFG (Work with RouteD Configuration)
command 392
WRKSPLF (Work with Spooled Files) command 139
WRKSVRTBLE (Work with Server Table)
command 333
WRKTBL (Work with Tables) command 530
WRKTCPPTP (Work with TCP/IP Point-to-Point)
command 135, 137
632 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4