
where hostname is the AS/400 local host name and domain is the local domain
name, both from the TCP/IP configuration. In the example Figure 189 on
page 291, the host name is SYS1 and the TCP/IP domain name is
7. When you see the message SMTP Table Updates Pending - Press Enter to
Update, press Enter. This creates the directory entry and adds the TCP/IP
address to the system alias table (which the POP server needs).
Changes to the system distribution directory take effect immediately; you do not
need to restart either SMTP or the POP server.
There is a delay between the time when entries are changed in the system
distribution directory and when they are reflected in the address book provided with
Client Access for Windows 95/NT clients. This delay (or refresh interval) is set with
the ADRBOOK parameter of the CHGPOPA command. See “Configuring POP for
Client Access-Based Mail Users” on page 294.
POP Mailboxes
Once there is an entry in the system distribution directory for a POP mail user, the
mailbox for that user is created automatically either the first time the client logs on
successfully or when mail is received for the client.
The POP server uses a directory structure for mailboxes. These mailboxes are used
as transient locations for storing the mail. The directory structure is set up by the
system when the TCP/IP Connectivity Utilities for AS/400 LP is installed (at the
same time the POP server is installed).
Setting Up Standard POP Mail Clients
Although each client product is different, you will normally need to provide the
following information to set up standard (non-Client Access) POP mail clients:
v User ID and host name. This is typically in the form:
<user ID>@<Host name>
For example, user ID and host name might be:
In this example, the AS/400 host name is sysnam and the domain is
mytown.company.com. jsmith is the AS/400 profile name for the user on the
AS/400 system.
This is the user’s E-mail address for receiving mail and should match the SMTP
address that is entered for the system distribution directory SMTP address.
On some clients, the host IP address may have to be entered several times;
once to specify the POP server’s host for receiving mail, once to specify SMTP’s
host for sending mail, and once (sometimes more) as a way to identify the
sender of mail to the recipients.
v POP user or account name. For the AS/400 POP mail server, this is the same
as the AS/400 user profile name.
v The password to use. This must be the AS/400 user profile password.
292 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4