
FFF Further Formatting Flag, 1 for yes, 0 for no, default is 0.
If this flag is set to 1 (one), two FFT commands, SHM (Set
Horizontal Margins) and SFG (Set FID through GFID) will be
inserted in all messages converted from ASCII to EBCDIC.
If this flag is set to 0 (zero), SHM and SFG will not be
inserted and the remaining parameters are ignored.
NOTE: The SHM command is used to set two values:
LM (Left Margin) and RM (Right Margin). The
SFG command is used to set three values: global
font identification (GFID), font width (FWD),
and font attributes (FA)
LM Left Margin, from 0 to 32767, default is 1.
Left margin value to be inserted in the SHM FFT command,
in units of 1/1440 of an inch. A value of 0 will cause
the left margin in the users text profile to be used.
A value of 0 will cause the left margin in the users
text profile to be used. A value of 1 represents the
left edge of the screen. Ignored if FF is 0.
RM Right margin, from 0 to 32767, default 30480.
Right margin value to be inserted in the SHM FFT command,
in units of 1/1440 of an inch. A value of 0 will cause
the right margin in the users text profile to be used.
Ignored if FFF is 0.
GFID Global font ID, from 1 to 65534, default is 85.
Font ID to be inserted into the SFG FFT command.
85 is a Courier 12-pitch font. Ignored if FFF is 0.
FWD Font width, from 1 to 1440, default is 120.
Font width to be inserted into the SFG FFT command.
120 represents 120/1440, or 1/12 of an inch. Ignored
if FFF is 0.
FA Font attributes, 1 for fixed or 2 for proportional,
default is 1.
Font attributes to be inserted into the SFG FFF command.
Ignored if FF is 0.
The following examples include some values to consider for the QMAILFMT data
Lines over 73 characters long will be split into multiple
lines so that all text can be viewed with the default
OfficeVision text profile. Page breaks will be added every
55 lines, and the users OV/400 text profile will not be
Lines over 80 characters long will be split into multiple
lines. This is a good choice if cc:Mail for the Internet or
Lotus Mail is widely used, since those clients send lines
whose maximum length are 80 characters. The right-most few
characters of 80-character lines would not be visible with
the default OfficeVision text profile. But the default FFT
commands inserted in the message override the users text
profile and the message can be scrolled to the right to view
all data.
All default values are used, but insert FFT commands in the
300 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4