
Depending on the particular file system (for example, /QDLS), attributes may affect
file processing. For example, transferred final-form text (FFTDCA) documents are
assigned the default document type PCFILE instead of FFTDCA. This prevents
editing and viewing the document content using the Work with Documents
(WRKDOC) CL command.
Transferring QDLS Documents
When a QDLS document is transferred, The QDLS directory entry attribute that
indicates the type of document is defaulted to the document type PCFILE on the
receiving AS/400 system for all document types except revisable-form text (RFT)
documents. RFT documents are defaulted to the document type RFTDCA. RFTDCA
type documents can be viewed and edited using the WRKDOC CL command.
PCFILE type documents cannot be viewed or edited using the WRKDOC CL
1. SMTP can be used to transfer final-form text (FFTDCA) documents.
2. For further information about document library services, refer to the
Services Concepts and Programmer’s Guide
Transferring “root,” QOpenSys and QLANSrv Files
You must use stream mode (MODE S) and file structure (STRUCT F) when
transferring files in the “root,” QOpenSys, and QLANSrv file systems.
“root” and QOpenSys files can exist in any valid code page. Files transferred to the
QLANSrv file system are tagged with the code page defined for the network server
description corresponding to the directory containing that file.
Data conversion and CCSID assignments vary depending on the transfer TYPE
used (see “CCSID Code Page Tagging for New Files on the AS/400” on page 264).
TYPE E is not supported for the QLANSrv file system.
When appending data to an existing file, the CCSID tag of that file is not changed.
When appending data to an existing file using TYPE A, the data is converted to the
code page of that file.
Transferring Files Using QFileSvr.400
The QFileSvr.400 file system provides access to other file systems on remote
AS/400 systems. The transfer of files in the “root,” QOpenSys and QLANSrv file
systems is supported. The transfer of files in the QSYS.LIB, QDLS and QOPT file
systems is not supported.
You must use stream mode (MODE S) and file structure (STRUCT F).
For example, in Figure 171 on page 262, FILE.ABC is transferred to and from three
different files systems on system AS012 using the QFileSvr.400 file system on
system AS009.
After connecting to system AS009, the FTP client subcommands shown in
Figure 172 on page 262 perform the data transfers.
Note: The userid and password on systems AS009 and AS012 must be the same.
Chapter 7. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Client 261