
sockets interface
application protocol 15
SOCKS server
accessing through Operations Navigator 423
overview 423
software, network 12
source entry utility (SEU) 518, 519
source service access point (SSAP)
AA entry 506
Ethernet line 506
special authority, *IOSYSCFG 30
specifications 602
spooled file 182
AS/400 receiving from AS/400 364
AS/400 receiving from non-AS/400 365
attributes 367
authority for putting on output queues 372
authority required 375
locating 346
naming 366
ownership 370
printing 363
sending 345, 346
sending from AS/400 to AS/400 348
sending from AS/400 to non-AS/400 349
sending large 353
starting the transfer 347
tips 353
transforming 350
spooled files
working with 139
SSAP (source service access point)
AA entry 506
Ethernet line 506
SST (system service tools)
accessing 494
communications trace display 496
Start Communications Trace (STRCMNTRC)
command 493
Start PDM (STRPDM) command 330
Start Remote Writer (STRRMTWTR) command 355
Start Source Entry Utility (STRSEU) command 518
Start TCP/IP (STRTCP) command 337
Start TCP/IP Interfaces (STRTCPIFC) command
TCP/IP interfaces 57
Start TCP/IP Server (STRTCPSVR) command 320,
366, 378, 383, 391, 399, 416
Start TCP/IP Telnet (STRTCPTELN) command 220
BOOTP server 378
communications trace 493, 495
DHCP server 415
LPD (line printer daemon) 366
service tool display for SST 494
Source Entry Utility 518
TCP/IP 337
TCP/IP and TCP/IP servers 43
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) server 383
Trivial File Transfer Protocol (TFTP) server 378
work with communications trace 493
communications trace 498
STRCMNTRC (Start Communications Trace)
command 493
STRPDM (Start PDM) command 330
STRRMTWTR (Start Remote Writer) command 355
STRSEU (Start Source Entry Utility) command 518
STRTCP (Start TCP/IP) command 337
STRTCPIFC (Start TCP/IP Interfaces) command 57
STRTCPSVR (Start TCP/IP Server) command 320,
366, 378, 383, 391, 399, 416
STRTCPTELN (Start TCP/IP Telnet) command 220
RCF 365
RCFF 365
RDF 365
definition 33
definition 5
extension to Internet addressing 6
mask 6
definition 33
definition 33
subnet broadcast option 385
definition 33
definition 6
subsystem routing and device name selection
routing and device name selection
device name selection 233
SUPPLY OFF supply value 395
SUPPLY RIP1 supply value 395
SUPPLY RIP2 supply value 395
SVC (switched virtual circuit)
obtaining a network address 22
switched virtual circuit (SVC)
obtaining a network address 22
POP mail users, removing 295
system access authorization list
SLIP 146
system activity
monitoring for SLIP 134
System API Enhancement
API Enhancement, System 231
system distribution directory
adding POP mail users 289
address book, refreshing 294
description 289
SNADS tunneling, configuring 308
System Licensed Internal Code (SLIC) trace 134
system manuals 601
system name
character restrictions 10
628 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4