
accordingly. If it does, verify that this address is intended to have its mail sent
using the SMTP *RPDS queue called QSMTPQ.
4. Make sure that there is at least one mail server framework (QMSF) job running
in subsystem QSYSWRK. If there are no QMSF jobs running, start the mail
server framework with the STRMSF command.
Cause List C
1. Verify whether or not an alias entry is necessary to reach the destination.
The SNADS user ID and address are limited to 8 characters each. This means
that it is necessary to have an alias entry for all receivers that have user IDs
exceeding 8 characters, or that use special characters. The alias entry for each
user must be specified using the WRKNAMSMTP command.
Cause List D
1. Verify that the local domain name is correct.
Use option 12 (Change local domain and host names) on the Configure TCP/IP
menu to find out the local domain name. Make sure that the host name that was
found here exists in the local host table or on the remote name server. To see if
this host name is in the host table, use option 10 (Work with TCP/IP host table
entries) on the Configure TCP/IP menu. If it is not in the host table or on the
remote name server, then add it to the host table by typing option 1 (Add) on
the Work with TCP/IP Host Table Entries display.
Each entry in the host table consists of two parts: the internet address and the
corresponding host names. The internet address of this local host name about
to be added has to be one of this system’s local internet addresses defined on
the TCP/IP interface that was configured using option 1 (Work with TCP/IP
interfaces) on the Configure TCP/IP menu.
If the host name is not in the host table or there is a mismatch between the
interface internet addresses and the one in the host table for this host, the local
domain name is considered not valid. If the local domain name is not valid, then
when the SMTP jobs come up either when the QSNADS subsystem or
QSYSWRK subsystem is started, they end. This is because incoming mail
would not work, and outgoing mail would have incorrect information in the mail
If the local domain name is incorrectly configured, an error message is put in
the job log for the SMTP jobs. The job logs can be found by using the
WRKOUTQ or WRKJOB command. The job logs can be found in the default
queue that is associated with the SMTP jobs.
2. Verify that the mail router, if specified, is correct. Use Option 3 (Change SMTP
attributes) on the Configure TCP/IP SMTP menu to identify the mail router.
Correct the mail router entry or delete it, if necessary.
3. Verify that the delimiter for the SMTP user ID, if specified, is correct. Use option
3 (Change SMTP attributes) on the Configure TCP/IP SMTP menu to identify
the delimiter character. You should be aware that changing the delimiter value
causes the names that use the previous value to not be recognized. You need
to change the names in the alias tables to reflect the new delimiter character.
If one of the AS/400 systems in the network uses a delimiter character, it is
recommended that all the AS/400 systems in that network use that character as
the delimiter.
Chapter 21. TCP/IP Problem Analysis 461