
For information about the FTP exit point interface, see
AS/400e Information Center
SK3T-2027-01. For the URL to access the Information Center online, see “TCP/IP
Topics in the Information Center” on page xv.
Considerations and Recommendations for FTP Exit Programs
v The FTP server adopts authority when it is necessary to resolve and call the exit
program. IBM strongly recommends that you create the exit program in a library
with *PUBLIC authority set to *EXCLUDE, and give the exit program itself a
*PUBLIC authority of *EXCLUDE.
v The various input parameters for the exit points enable you to tailor your
operation validation exit program to meet your particular requirements. For
example, you may restrict users to send files only to certain libraries, perform
only certain system commands, and so on.
v If the FTP server at one site supports both anonymous FTP and other security
restrictions, then the same exit program for each exit point must support both of
these functions.
FTP Exit Program—Scenario
Figure 300 on page 555 shows an FTP client session for users that have
restrictions imposed on them by exit programs. User ABC is not allowed to log on to
the server. User XYZ is allowed to log on to the server, but is restricted to certain
files and libraries on both the server and the client.
In this example, the server exit program does not permit user XYZ to get data from
file FILEA in library LIB101 and the client exit program does not allow user XYZ to
send data from file FILEC on the client system. In this way FTP exit programs may
be used to restrict what files one can copy from an AS/400 system.
554 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4