1. Verify that the forwarder(s) are configured OR that root servers are configured.
If forwarders are used, make sure that ’Contact only forwarders for off-site
queries’ is checked.
2. Verify that the forwarder is answering queries using NSLOOKUP.
3. Verify that the root server addresses are listed and correct. To display the root
server addresses, use the root servers tab for DNS Server Properties
4. Whether you are using root servers or not, you must NEVER list the ’local host’
or the DNS’s own address as a root server.
5. Look at the DNS server active job log. Examine the job log entries and correct
any problems.
Determining Problems for LPR
This section discusses how the AS/400 system handles the various parameters
passed to the LPR command and how they may need to be formatted to work
correctly. Examples are given for some of the most common error conditions.
LPR Command Considerations
When the system passes alphabetic characters to a command processing program
from an AS/400 command, it converts all of the characters to uppercase. Enclosing
the parameter in apostrophes preserves the case of the characters. This is required
if you use filters for the DESTOPT parameter. It may be required for the PRTQ
parameter of the LPR command, depending on the case sensitivity of the
destination system.
Common Error Messages
If a problem is detected when using the AS/400 LPR client, most problem analysis
can be done by examining the job logs of the user and the message help text for
the issued error message.
Send request failed for spooled file XYZ is the error message for both
TCP3701 and TCP3719. The message help text is different, however, and should
be examined. If the message is TCP3719, the error may be that the printer queue
name is incorrectly spelled or the case of the printer queue name does not match
that of the printer queue on the destination system.
If the message is TCP3701, look in the job log for the previous messages to
determine the failure. Common failures are caused by the following:
v Destination system name is misspelled.
Note: The case of the destination system name is not important.
v Destination system name is not defined in the TCP/IP host table
v LPD server is not started on the destination system
v TCP/IP is not started on the destination system
The message help text for any previous messages should be examined to
determine error recovery procedures.
486 OS/400 TCP/IP Configuration and Reference V4R4