
error messages
POST messages and beep codes 110
power supply diagnostic (075) 127
SCO UNIX driver 140
SCSI 135
SCSI interface diagnostic (030) 127
serial port diagnostic (011) 126
software 111
software-generated 110
status display diagnostic (180) 128
system cache diagnostic (202) 129, 133
system memory diagnostic (201) 128, 132
system-management processor diagnostic
(165) 128
thermal system diagnostic (175) 128
types 110
USB port interface diagnostic (015) 127
video system diagnostic (005) 126
ethernet 4
Ethernet adapter
redundant 33
Ethernet controller
baud rates 32
changing the IRQ 29
configuration 32
connector (RJ-45) 91
device driver 32
error messages 136
failover feature 33
NIC 33
primary controller 33
redundant adapter 33
related publications xii
SCO UNIX driver messages 140
secondary controller 33
troubleshooting 149
Ethernet Link Status light 149, 150
Ethernet Speed 100 Mbps light 149
Ethernet Transmit/Receive Activity light 149, 150
Exit Setup 22
expansion bays 14
expansion slots
adapter 49
adapter locations 163, 169
location 12
Extended Capabilities Port (ECP) 23
extended data output (EDO) memory 54
extension cords 17
device records 163, 167
drives 57
options, connecting 72
SCSI connector 12
SCSI devices, terminating 59
views 12, 14
failover for Ethernet
configuration for 34
description 33
NIC adapter 33
primary controller 33
secondary controller 33
Fast Ethernet 32
fatigue 16
administrator password 27
internal 163, 164
PCI, configuring 30
records 163
fixed disk 56
See also
hard disk drive
flickering monitor 144
forgotten password
administrator password 27
power-on password 25
formatting drives 38
front view 14
general information
before installing options 40
installing drives 59
general problems 144
glare 16
glossary 177
handling static-sensitive devices 42
hard disk drive
68-pin connector 89
external device port 88
internal device port 88
low-level format 38
preinstalled 14
purpose 56
hard disk drive
heat output of server 94, 95
heat sink 67
heavy-metal batteries 159
customer assistance
humidity of server environment 95
I/O Ports 30
configuring 23
Index 189