Avaya, Inc. - 132 - PARTNER ACS 1600 DSL module User Guide
Enabling RIP poisoned reverse by port
To enable RIP poisoned reverse by port:
1. On the Main Menu, select Configure IP Router.
The Router Configuration Menu displays.
* Router Configuration Menu *
C. Configure Port IP Address
U. Unconfigure Port IP Address
S. Add/Remove a Static Route
R. Enable/Disable RIP
V. Configure RIP Version by Port
P. Configure RIP Poisoned Reverse by Port
N. Configure DNS Client
H. Configure DHCP Client
L. Configure DHCP Relay
T. Configure Telnet Server Port
F. Configure IP Filtering
D. Display Route Table
2. Select Configure RIP Poisoned Reverse by Port.
The following instructions display on-screen:
Available Interfaces :
2. 10/100BaseT Ethernet
3. Universal Serial
0. (Abort)
Selection :
Interfaces may or may not display, depending on the IAD
in use.
3. Type the number of the port for which you want to enable
poisoned reverse.
The following instructions display on-screen:
RIP Poisoned Reverse for Slot 1, Port 1 is
currently DISABLED
Enter E to Enable, D to Disable :