The ‘Database’ menu option will take you to
the ‘Footwear Database,’ where you can
select from hundreds of brands and cus-
tomize your iStep program to recommend
shoes you carry in your store.
Footwear Database
The ‘Footwear Database’ screen will let you
copy from over 200 brands (over 10,000
shoes) into your store inventory. To use,
select the brand from the master list, select
the style that will appear, and then click on
the ‘PLACE IN CART’ button.
Follow the on-screen instructions to place
shoes in your cart, selecting the brand,
then the styles. For further assistance,
click on the ‘Help’ checkbox and follow the
red numbers as they guide you through
the process.
Once brands and styles have been chosen
and sent to inventory, click on the ‘Your
Inventory’ button at the top of the screen
to move to the next page.
Your Inventory
Your inventory screen will let you modify
any changes to your footwear inventory.
You can add / delete / modify brands and
ou can also make changes to the
sizing of each shoe – depending on the
last of the shoe; you can input information
declaring the shoe to be a certain size,
making it bigger or smaller than a normal
Add New Brand
If the shoe database does not have the
brand you are looking for, you can add it
here. Just click ‘Add New Brand’ and type
the name of the brand.
Remove Brand
Highlight the brand you wish to remove
and click ‘OK.’ All associated styles will
be removed from ‘your inventory.’
Change Logo
If you have added a brand, you can also
add a logo. Highlight the desired brand,
click ‘Change Logo’ and navigate to the
location of the logo on your computer.
Note that the logo must be 65 X 65 pixels.
Modify Style
Click ‘Modify Style’ to make changes to
the highlighted style of shoe. Options are:
‘Brand Name,’ ‘Style Name,’ ‘Gender,’ and
‘Sizing.’ Sizing can be modified up or
down as much as two shoe sizes to cor-
rect for variations in lasts.
Remove Style
Click ‘Remove Style’ to remove the
highlighted style from the database.
Change Picture
Click ‘Change Picture’
to navigate to the
desired image. The image must be 135 X
135 pixels.
Menu Options - Part Two