Laboratory utensils
Wide-necked laboratory utensils, e.g.
beakers, wide-necked conical flasks
and Petri dishes, or cylindrical vessels,
e.g. test tubes, are washed and rinsed
internally and externally by the rotating
spray arms.
To achieve this, they need to be
positioned in a full, half or quarter
insert, and then placed in an empty
lower basket or into an upper basket
with a spray arm.
For narrow-necked utensils, e.g.
narrow-necked conical flasks, round
bottomed flasks, measuring flasks and
pipettes, a mobile injector unit or
injector basket is required.
Mobile injector units and baskets for
narrow-necked laboratory utensils
are supplied with their own
operating instructions.
The following instructions relate only to
basic preparation and loading of
laboratory utensils.
Petri dishes and similar should be
placed in the correct insert with the
soiled side facing the centre.
Place pipettes upright in the insert,
with the opening uppermost.
Use nets to secure items in order to
avoid glass breaking.
Quarter inserts should be placed in
the mobile unit with at least 3 cm
between them and the edge of the
mobile unit.
Areas of application