
Novell Network Configuration 5-21
If you have XAdmin32, double click on the print
server name and then click on the appropriate
NetWare tab (NetWare P1 for the first parallel port,
NetWare S1 for the first serial port, NetWare P2
for the XConnect 100 second parallel port or
NetWare S2 for the XConnect 100 second serial
If you are using XAdmin, one or more TROY XCD
print server NetWare services will show up in the
list of printers (the default service names are listed
in the Default Print Server Names section at the
beginning of this chapter). Double click on the one
that you wish to configure and then click on the
NetWare tab.
If you are using WebXAdmin, start your web
browser, enter the IP address of the print server as
the destination address, and then push ENTER or
RETURN. Click on Configure NetWare, and then
click on the Enabled Service that you wish to
configure (the default service names are listed in the
Default Print Server Names section at the beginning
of this chapter).
If you are using JetAdmin, one or more TROY XCD
print server NetWare services will show up in the
list of printers (the default service names are listed
in the Default Print Server Names section at the
beginning of this chapter; note that JetAdmin
supports a maximum of three ports per print server).
Single click on the one you want to configure, go to
the menu bar and select Device and then Modify.
Then click Next and select Operating Mode.