
PrintraNet Internet Printing 13-9
19. Select No when asked if you want to print a test page,
unless you have already configured the remote TROY
XCD print server to receive PrintraNet print jobs.
You have now finished installing the PrintraNet software. If
you have only one E-mail printer, go to Step 2, Configuring
the Remote TROY XCD Print Server.
Adding a Second E-Mail Printer Port
You should not rerun the install program to add a new E-
Mail printer port. Instead, press the Start button, select
Settings, and open the Printers window. Click on the icon
of a PrintraNet printer, select File from the menu bar, and
then choose Properties. Click on the Details tab and push
the Add Port button.
In the Add Port dialog, select the Other radio button and
then "PrintraNet Port". Click on OK and it will give you the
Port Name dialog (like in the install program). Any unique
name can be given here as long as it starts with "PNET" and
another port does not already exist with the same name.
Then enter the port settings as described in step 9 of the
Installing the PrintraNet Software on a Windows 95/98/NT
PC section.
Step 2 Configuring the Remote TROY
XCD Print Server
The next step is to configure the remote TROY XCD print
server. The remote print server can be configured with
TROY XCD's XAdmin or XAdmin32 Windows 95/98/NT
configuration utility, WebXAdmin browser-based utility, or