
AppleTalk Network Configuration 6-1
AppleTalk Network Configuration
All TROY XCD print servers except the XConnect II Lite
support the AppleTalk protocol running over Ethernet (also
known as EtherTalk). This capability allows Macintosh
computers to print jobs to a printer simultaneously with jobs
from DEC, UNIX, NetWare, and other computers.
If you have the XConnect II LocalTalk option, LocalTalk-
based Macintosh computers can also share the same printer
with Ethernet-based systems.
AppleTalk Concepts
TROY XCD print server AppleTalk capabilities allow a
printer to appear as a shareable printer node on an AppleTalk
Phase 2 network. The TROY XCD print server broadcasts
information to Macintoshes on the network, and
automatically appears in the Chooser on each Macintosh.
Application programs (such as Microsoft Word, Excel,
PageMaker, etc.) can print without modification or special
software on the Macintosh.