
Windows NT/LAN Server Configuration 7-1
Windows NT/LAN Server/Warp
Server Network Configuration
Users of Windows NT V3.5 or later (including Windows NT
Advanced Server) can print directly using the TCP/IP
protocol to printers that are equipped with a TROY XCD
print server. No special software is required on the Windows
NT system, and the printing operates transparently with any
application program.
TROY XCD print servers also support transparent printing
from IBM LAN Server and Warp Server file server, as well
as from OS/2 Warp Connect workstations, using the TCP/IP
protocol. TCP/IP is included standard with Warp Server and
with LAN Server V4.0, and is optional on LAN Server V3.x
systems. It is also included standard with OS/2 Warp
Connect, and is optional on earlier versions of OS/2.
In addition, client PCs connected to a Windows NT Advanced
Server or to an IBM LAN Server file server can print
transparently to the TROY XCD print server. In this case, the
client PCs typically use the NetBEUI protocol to print jobs to
the file server, which in turn spools the job to the TROY XCD
print server via TCP/IP. The advantage of TCP/IP compared to
other approaches is that it is a high-performance routable
industry-standard protocol.
Important: TROY XCD recommends TCP/IP for Windows
NT and OS/2 printing because it is routable and provides