
Glossary and Index D-3
Bindery In NetWare 2.xx and 3.xx, a database containing definitions for
network entities, including users, file servers, print servers, etc., along
with the properties associated with such entities. In NetWare 4.xx,
bindery emulation is available for compatibility with older versions. p. 5-
8, 5-11.
Bitronics Refers to a bidirectional P1284-compatible parallel port.
BOOTP A standard TCP/IP method for downloading information such
as the IP address into a network device. pp. 4-17 to 4-18, C-5 to C-7.
Bridge A device that connects two local area network segments together.
A bridge operates at level 2 of the OSI Reference model, which means
that it operates transparently with higher level protocols like NetWare
and LAT. p. 14-15.
Broadcast In a network, a situation in which all destinations on the
network receive a copy of a given packet.
Centronics The de facto standard for parallel printer ports that is used on
the vast majority of all printers.
Chooser A Macintosh program that allows a user to select a printer on a
network. p. 6-1, 6-3.
Circuit A logical connection between two or more devices on a network.
Client A computer on a local area network that obtains services from a
server on the network.
Command File The VMS equivalent of a batch file. See batch file.
Console A program running on a device (such as print server) that allows
a user to configure and monitor that device. Appendix A.
DCPS Abbreviation for DECprint Supervisor. p. 1-2, 11-8.
Data Link Layer. Layer 2 of the OSI Reference Model that assembles
and disassembles frames, handles synchronization, and detects errors.
Dataproducts A standard for parallel printer ports that was originally
developed by Dataproducts Corporation for its line printers and is