
5-6 Novell Network Configuration
Configuring the Print Server and Adding
the Print Queue in Queue Server Mode
TROY XCD print servers can be configured in Queue Server
mode for either bindery or NDS mode operation. The
simplest way to do this is with TROY XCD's XAdmin32 or
HP's JetAdmin utilities. XAdmin32 is a Windows 95/98 and
Windows NT 4.xx-based utility that allows you to configure
the print server and create NetWare print queues without
using NetWare utilities like PCONSOLE or NWAdmin (if
you have Windows 3.xx, you must use XAdmin as described
later in this chapter). JetAdmin is a Hewlett-Packard utility
that provides similar capabilities. Other methods include
TROY XCD's XAdmin or XCONFIG utilities in conjunction
with Novell's NWAdmin or PCONSOLE.
Configuring the Print Server and Print Queue with
XAdmin32 (Queue Server Mode)
NOTE: TROY XCD recommends you use the Novell 32-bit
client on your Windows 95/98/NT workstation instead of the
Microsoft NetWare client, because it allows direct
configuration of print queues without the need for a Novell
utility like NWAdmin or PCONSOLE.
NOTE: If you have a Windows 3.xx system, you must use
XAdmin as described later in this chapter.
NOTE: NDS Queue Server mode is only supported by "S"
and "N" Series models (for example, PPS-8S and XConnect
II-8N; refer to Chapter 2 for specific mode information).
1. Make sure that you are logged in as ADMIN or
equivalent (NetWare 4.xx and above) or SUPERVISOR
(NetWare 2.xx and 3.xx). Install the XAdmin32