
LAT Network Configuration 11-3
of the Ethernet address (for example,
XCD_00C3E4). You can get the name of your print
server by running the TROY XCD print server self-
test (refer to Chapter 2 for information on running
the self-test), or with the SHOW SERVER
command from the TROY XCD print server
console. The port name is P1 for the first parallel
port. If you have an XConnect II or XConnect 100,
the names of the additional ports are as follows:
XConnect II serial port S1
XConnect II parallel port with LN03 option LN
XConnect 100 first serial port S1
XConnect 100 second parallel port P2
XConnect 100 second serial port S2
Please note that the name of the XConnect 100
parallel port is P1, even if the LN03 option is
Important: If you wish to use a different node name,
you must change the print server name as described in
as described in Appendix A.
2. Use the VMS editor to create a text file with the
necessary configuration commands (alternatively, you
may edit the file LAT$SYSTARTUP.COM for VMS
5.5-x and later systems or LTLOAD.COM for earlier
VMS systems). For instance, the following sample
command file creates a queue named XCD on LAT port
33 for a TROY print server with a default node name of
XCD_00C351 using the LATSYM processor and the
default VMS form: