Chapter 3: Working with Target Servers
French (France)
German (Germany)
United Kingdom
Korean (Korea)
French (Belgium)
Norwegian (Norway)
Portuguese (Portugal)
Danish (Denmark)
Swedish (Sweden)
German (Switzerland)
Hungarian (Hungary)
Spanish (Spain)
Italian (Italy)
Translation: French - US
Translation: French - US International
Note: In AKC, the keyboard type defaults to the local client, so this
option does not apply.
4. Exit Full Screen Mode - Hotkey. When you enter Full Screen mode,
the display of the target server becomes full screen and acquires the
same resolution as the target server. This is the hot key used for
exiting this mode.
5. Exit Single Cursor Mode - Hotkey. When you enter single cursor
mode, only the target server mouse cursor is visible. This is the hot
key used to exit single cursor mode and bring back the client mouse
cursor. Click OK.
6. Client Launch Settings
7. Select the Client Launch Settings tab.
a. To configure the target window settings:
Select 'Standard - sized to target Resolution' to open the window
using the target's current resolution. If the target resolution is
greater than the client resolution, the target window covers as
much screen area as possible and scroll bars are added (if
Select Full Screen to open the window in full screen mode.