Chapter 2: Installation and Configuration
Note to CC-SG Users
Note to CC-SG Users
If you are using the KSX II in a CC-SG configuration, perform the
installation steps, and when finished, consult the CommandCenter
Secure Gateway User Guide, Administrator Guide, or Deployment
Guide to proceed (all found on Raritan's website, www.raritan.com,
under Support).
Note: The remainder of this help applies primarily to deploying the KSX II
device(s) without the integration functionality of CC-SG.
Remote Authentication
Note to CC-SG Users
When the KSX II is controlled by CommandCenter Secure Gateway,
CC-SG authenticates users and groups, except for local users requiring
Local port access. When CC-SG is controlling the KSX II, Local port
users will be authenticated against the local user database or the remote
authentication server (LDAP/LDAPS or RADIUS) configured on the KSX
II. They will not be authenticated against the CC-SG user database.
For additional information about CC-SG authentication, see the
CommandCenter Secure Gateway User Guide, Administrator Guide, or
Deployment Guide, which can be downloaded from the Support section
of the Raritan website http://www.raritan.com.
Supported Protocols
To simplify management of usernames and passwords, the KSX II
provides the ability to forward authentication requests to an external
authentication server. Two external authentication protocols are
supported: LDAP/LDAPS and RADIUS.
Note on Microsoft Active Directory
Active Directory
uses the LDAP/LDAPS protocol natively, and
can function as an LDAP/LDAPS server and authentication source for
the KSX II. If it has the IAS (Internet Authorization Server) component, a
Microsoft Active Directory server can also serve as a RADIUS
authentication source.