Chapter 3: Working with Target Servers
The following sections of the user guide contain information about using
specific interfaces to connect to the KSX II and manage targets:
KSX II Local Console Interface: KSX II Devices (see "KSX II
Local Console: KSX II Devices" on page 39)
KSX II Remote Console Interface (on page 40)
Virtual KVM Client (VKC) (on page 53)
Active KVM Client (AKC) (on page 80)
Multi-Platform Client (MPC) (on page 82)
Raritan Serial Console (RSC) (on page 83)
Command Line Interface (CLI) (on page 225)
KSX II Local Console: KSX II Devices
When you are located at the server rack, the KSX II provides standard
KVM management and administration via the KSX II Local Console. The
KSX II Local Console provides a direct KVM (analog) connection to your
connected servers; the performance is exactly as if you were directly
connected to the server's keyboard, mouse, and video ports.
Additionally, the KSX II provides terminal emulation when accessing
serial targets.
There are many similarities among the KSX II Local Console and the
KSX II Remote Console graphical user interfaces. Where there are
differences, they are noted in the help.