Smart Cards and CAC Authentication
Does the KSX II support smart card and CAC authentication?
Yes, smart cards and DoD Common Access Card (CAC) authentication
to target servers is supported in release KX II 2.1.10 and later, and KSX
II 2.3.0 and later.
What KSX II models support smart cards/CAC?
All KSX II models are supported. The Dominion KX II-101 does not
currently support smart cards and CAC.
Do enterprise and SMB customers use smart cards, too?
Yes. However, the most aggressive deployment of smart cards is in the
U.S. federal government.
What CIMs support smart cards/CAC?
The D2CIM-DVUSB is required. This CIM must be upgraded with the
release 2.1.10 and later of the firmware, and KSX II 2.3.0 and later.
What firmware version is required?
The KX II release 2.1.10 and later or and KSX II 2.3.0 and later are
What smart card readers are supported?
The required reader standards are USB CCID and PC/SC. See
Supported and Unsupported Smart Card Readers (on page 282).
Can smart card/CAC authentication work on the local port and via
Command Center?
Yes. For the local port, connect a compatible smart card reader to the
USB port of the KSX II.
Are the Paragon smart card enabled UST and CIM used?
No, the P2-EUST/C and P2CIM-AUSB-C are not part of the KSX II