Appendix C: Informational Notes
Non-US Keyboards
French Keyboard
Caret Symbol (Linux
Clients Only)
The Virtual KVM Client and the Multi-Platform Client (MPC) do not
process the key combination of Alt Gr + 9 as the caret symbol (^) when
using French keyboards with Linux clients.
To obtain the caret symbol:
From a French keyboard, press the ^ key (to the right of the P key), then
immediately press the space bar.
Alternatively, create a macro consisting of the following commands:
1. Press Right Alt
2. Press 9.
3. Release 9.
4. Release Right Alt.
Note: These procedures do not apply to the circumflex accent (above
vowels). In all cases, the ^ key (to the right of the P key) works on French
keyboards to create the circumflex accent when used in combination with
another character.
Accent Symbol (Windows XP
Operating System Clients Only)
From the Virtual KVM Client and the Multi-Platform Client, the key
combination of Alt Gr + 7 results in the accented character displaying
twice when using French keyboards with Windows XP clients.
Note: This does not occur with Linux clients.
Numeric Keypad
From the Virtual KVM Client and the Multi-Platform Client, the numeric
keypad symbols display as follows when using a French keyboard: