Appendix A: Specifications
field to access the KSX II, but while still
preserving complete security.
This port is used for the actual KVM-over-IP
communication from the KSX II device to the
KVM client on the user's desktop. It cannot
be changed.
KSX II (Raritan
Configurable Port
This port is used to discover other KX devices
and for communication between Raritan
devices and systems, including CC-SG and
MPC. By default, this is set to Port 5000, but
you may configure it to use any TCP port of
your choice (except 80 and 443). For details on
how to configure this setting, refer to Network
Settings (on page 135).
SNTP (Time Server)
on Configurable
UDP Port 123
The KSX II offers the optional capability to
synchronize its internal clock to a central time
server. This function requires the use of UDP
Port 123 (the standard for SNTP), but can also
be configured to use any port of your
Configurable Ports
389 and 636
If the KSX II is configured to remotely
authenticate user logins via the LDAP/LDAPS
protocol, ports 389 and 636 will be used, but
the system can also be configured to use any
port of your designation.
Configurable Port
1812 Optional
If the KSX II is configured to remotely
authenticate user logins via the RADIUS
protocol, either port 1812 or 1813 will be used,
but the system can also be configured to use
any port of your designation.
RADIUS Accounting
on Configurable Port
If the KSX II is configured to remotely
authenticate user logins via the RADIUS
protocol, and also employs RADIUS
accounting for event logging, port 1813 or an
additional port of your designation will be used
to transfer log notifications.
Configurable UDP
Port 514
If the KSX II is configured to send messages to
a Syslog server, then the indicated port(s) will
be used for communication - uses UDP Port
SNMP Default UDP
Ports Optional
Port 161 is used for inbound/outbound
read/write SNMP access and port 162 is used
for outbound traffic for SNMP traps.
(Secure Shell) SSH port can be configured.