Appendix A: Specifications
Windows XP
operating system targets must be running Windows XP
SP3 in order to use smart cards with the KSX II. If you are working with
.NET 3.5 in a Windows XP environment on the target server, you must
be using SP1.
Linux Targets
If you are using a Linux
target, the following requirements must be met
to use smart card readers with the KSX II.
CCID Requirements
If the Raritan D2CIM-DVUSB VM/CCID is not recognized as a smart
card reader by your Linux target, you may need to update the CCID
driver version to 1.3.8 or above and update the driver configuration
file (Info.plist).
Remote Client Requirements
The basic requirements for interoperability at the remote client are:
The IFD (smart card reader) Handler must be a PC/SC compliant
device driver.
The ICC (smart card) Resource Manager must be available and be
PC/SC compliant.
1.6.x with smart card API must be available for use by the
Raritan client application.
Linux Clients
If you are using a Linux
client, the following requirements must be met
to use smart card readers with the KSX II.
Note: User login to client, on smart card insertion, may take longer when
1 or more KVM sessions are actively in place to targets. As the login
process to these targets is also under way.
PC/SC Requirements