C Commands Summary
MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual 75
This command sets the amount of carrier smoothing to be performed on the pseudorange measurements carrier.
An input value of 100 corresponds to approximately 100 seconds of smoothing. Upon issuing the command, the
locktime for all tracking satellites is reset to zero. From this point each pseudorange smoothing filter is restarted.
The user must wait for at least the length of smoothing time for the new smoothing constant to take full effect. 20
seconds is the default smoothing constant used in the GPSCard. The optimum setting for this command is
dependent on the user’s application and thus cannot be specified.
csmooth 500
NOTE:The CSMOOTH command should only be used by advanced users of GPS. It may not be suitable for
GPS application. When using CSMOOTH in a differential mode, the same setting should be used at both the
reference and remote station. The shorter the carrier smoothing the more noise there will be. If you are at all
unsure please call NovAtel Customer Service Department, see the NovAtel information page.
[L2 time]
Syntax Range Value Description Default
CSMOOTH - Command
L1 time 2 to 1000 L1 carrier smoothing time constant.
Value in seconds
[L2 time] 2 to 1000 L2 carrier smoothing time constant.
Value in seconds