1 Quick Start
MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual 1
This chapter is dedicated to getting you started. You may wish to carry out Real-Time Kinematic (RTK)
positioning, operate in Differential modes or simply log data. Where to get further information is referenced after
each of these sections.
For more detailed instructions on the installation and set up of your GPSCard please see the accompanying
MiLLennium GPSCard Guide to Installation and Operation.
The MiLLennium receiver is an OEM product designed for flexibility of integration and configuration. You are
free to select an appropriate data and signal interface, power supply system and mounting structure. This concept
allows OEM purchasers to custom-design their own GPS-based positioning system around the OEM series
Installing the MiLLennium GPSCard typically consists of the following:
• Mounting the OEM series GPSCard in a secure enclosure to reduce environmental exposure,
RF interference and vibration effects
• Pre-wiring the I/O harness and the 64-pin DIN female connector for power and
communications, then connecting them to the OEM series GPSCard
• Installing the GPSAntenna, then connecting it to the OEM series GPSCard
•(Optional) Installing an external oscillator
Once the hardware and software installations have been completed, you are now ready to begin initial operation of
the GPSCard receiver.
Communication with the MiLLennium GPSCard consists of issuing commands through the COM1 or COM2 port
from an external serial communications device. This could be either a terminal or an IBM-compatible PC that is
directly connected to a MiLLennium GPSCard COM port using a null modem cable.
The initial operating software and firmware of the MiLLennium GPSCard resides in its read-only memory. As
such, the unit “self-boots” upon power-up. The green LED indicator should blink about once per second if the unit
is operating normally. The red one lights up if an error is detected during a self-test. The self-test status word can
be viewed in the
RGEA/B/D and RVSA/B data output logs.
If a persistent error develops please contact the NovAtel GPS Customer Service Department for further assistance
COM1 and COM2 for the MiLLennium GPSCards are defaulted to the following RS232 protocol:
• 9600 bps, no parity, 8 data bits, 1stop bit, no handshake, echo off
Graphical Interface
If your GPSCard comes with a disk containing NovAtel’s graphical interface software GPSolution, a Microsoft
Windows-based program, then you will be able to use your GPSCard without struggling with communications
protocol or writing make-do software.
The View menu options allow you to select or de-select various visual aids and display screens. Take a look at all
of the options and keep open those you wish to display. To send commands and log data the Command Console
screen should be visible. ASCII format logs can be monitored on the ASCII Record screen.