3 Special Data Input Commands
18 MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual
REMEMBER: When connecting two GPSCard COM ports together, the MESSAGES command option should be
set to "OFF" to prevent inter-card "chatter".
The MiLLennium GPSCard can log current almanac data to a PC connected to its
COM1 or COM2 port. Assuming
the PC is correctly configured using terminal emulator communications software, then the PC can redirect the
GPSCard almanac log to its disk storage device. At a later time following a system restart, the GPSCard can have
this almanac.dat file (containing $
ALMA, $IONA, and $UTCA records) immediately downloaded as a special input
command for immediate use. Refer to the MiLLEnnium GPSCard Guide to Installation and Operating manual for
more information about interfacing with the
OEM card with a PC. [Note: this procedure will generally not be
required with OEM cards as all 12 channel cards now have an almanac save feature built in using non-volatile
Use this special data input command to quickly update the GPSCard almanac tables following a system restart. It
is generated from a GPSCard
ALMA log and is accepted as the following format:
(one record for each valid satellite)
Use this special data input command to quickly update the GPSCard ionospheric corrections tables following a
system restart (always appended to $
ALMA records unless intentionally stripped). This data will ensure that the
initial position solutions computed by the GPSCard are as accurate as possible. It is generated from a GPSCard
ALMA log and is accepted by any GPSCard as the following format:
-1.192092895507812E-007,8.8064000000000017E+004,3.2768000000000010E+004, -