H Some Common Unit Conversions
218 MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual
Listed below are several commonly used equivalents between the SI (Système Internationale) units of weights and
measures used in the metric system, and those used in the imperial system.
1 metre (m) = 100 centimetres (cm) = 1000 millimetres (mm) Volume
1 kilometre (km) = 1000 metres (m) 1 litre (l) = 1000 cubic centimetres (cc)
1 international foot = 0.3048 metre 1 gallon (British) = 4.546 litres
1 US survey foot = 0.3048006096 metre 1 gallon (US) = 3.785 litres
1 statute mile = 1609 metres
1 nautical mile = 1852 metres
Temperature Weight
degrees Celsius = (5/9) x [(degrees Fahrenheit) - 32] 1 kilogram (kg) = 1000 grams
degrees Fahrenheit = [(9/5) x (degrees Celsius)] + 32 1 pound = 0.4536 kilogram (kg)
GPS Time of Week to Calendar Day (example)
511200 seconds Day 511200 / 86400 seconds per day = 5.916666667 days
Hour .916666667 x 86400 / 3600 seconds per hour = 22.0000 hours
Minute .000 x 3600 / 60 seconds per minute = 0.000 minutes
Second .000 x 60 = 0.00 seconds
Day 5 (Thursday) + 22 hours, 0 minutes, 0 seconds into Friday.
Calendar Date to GPS Time (example: January 22, 1995 at 11:30 hours)
Days from January 6, 1980 to January 22, 1995 = 15 years x 365 days /year = 5475 days
Add one day for each leap year (a year which is divisible by 4 or 400 but not by 100;
every 100 years a leap year is skipped) 4 days
Days into 1997 (22nd is not finished) 21 days
Total days 5500 days
Deduct 5 days: Jan. 1 through 5, 1980 5495 days
GPS Week: 5495 x 86400 seconds per day = 474768000 seconds/ 604800 sc per week = 785
Seconds into week 22nd day: 11.5 hrs x 3600 sec/hr 41400 seconds
GPS time of week: Week 785, 41400 second