D Logs summary
196 MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual
Format: Message ID =12 Message byte count = 32 + (obs*32)
Table D-11 GPSCard Range Reject Codes
Field # Data Bytes Format Units Offset
1 Sync 3 char 0
(header) Checksum 1 char 3
Message ID 4 integer 4
Message byte count 4 integer 8
2 Week number 4 integer weeks 12
3 Seconds of week 8 double seconds 16
4 Solution status 4 integer 24
5 Number of
observations (obs)
4 integer 28
6 PRN 4 integer 32
7 Azimuth 8 double degrees 36
8 Elevation 8 double degrees 44
9 Residual 8 double metres 52
10 Reject Code 4 integer 60
11... Next PRN offset = 32 + (obs*32) where obs varies form 0 to (obs-1)
Value Description
0 Observations are good
1 Bad satellite health is indicated by ephemeris data
2 Old ephemeris due to data not being updated during last 3 hours
3 Eccentric anomaly error during computation of the satellite’s position
4 True anomaly error during computation of the satellite’s position
5 Satellite coordinate error during computation of the satellite’s position
6 Elevation error due to the satellite being below the cutoff angle
7 Misclosure too large due to excessive gap between estimated and actual positions
8 No differential correction is available for this particular satellite
9 Ephemeris data for this satellite has not yet been received
10 Invalid IODE due to mismatch between differential stations
11 Locked Out: satellite is excluded by user (LOCKOUT command)
12 Low Power: satellite rejected due to low signal/noise ratio
13 L2 measurements are not currently used in the filter