D Logs summary
MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual 205
WRCA/B Wide Band Range Correction (Grouped Format)
This message contains the wide band range correction data. A correction is generated for each PRN being tracked
and these group together into a single log. Internally, the correction for each satellite is updated asynchronously
at a 1 Hz rate. Therefore, logging this message at a rate higher than 1 Hz will result in duplicate data being output.
Each range correction is statistically independent and is derived from the previous 1 second of data.
Format: Message ID = 67 Message byte count = 28 + (obs*16)
$WRCA week seconds # obs
prn ch-tr-status tr-bandwidth wide band correction
prn ch-tr-status tr-bandwidth wide band correction
*xx [CR][LF]
Field # Field type Data Description Example
1 $WRCA Log header $WRCA
2 week GPS week number 637
3 seconds GPS seconds into the week 513902.00
4 # obs Number of satellite observations with information to follow: 7
5 prn Satellite PRN number 18
6 ch-tr-status Channel Tracking Status: Hexadecimal number indicating phase lock, channel
number and channel tracking state as shown in Table D-7.
7 tr-bandwidth DLL tracking loop bandwidth in Hz 0.050
8 wide band correction Wide band range correction in metres 1.323
Next PRN number, ch-tr-status, tr-bandwidth, wide band correction
Last PRN number, ch-tr-status, tr-bandwidth, wide band correction
variable *xx Checksum *1F
variable [CR][LF] Sentence terminator [CR][LF]
Field # Data Bytes Format Units Offset
1 Sync 3 char 0
(header) Checksum 1 char 3
Message ID 4 integer 4
Message byte count 4 integer bytes 8
2 Week number 4 integer weeks 12
3 Seconds of week 8 double seconds 16
4 Number of observations (obs) 4 integer 24
5 PRN 4 integer 28
6 Channel tracking status 4 - - 32
7 DLL tracking loop bandwidth 4 float Hz 36
8 Wide Band Range Correction 4 float metres 40
9... Next PRN offset = 28 + (obs*16)