2 Command Descriptions
MiLLennium Command Descriptions Manual 13
Table 2-2 GPSCard Command Summary
Command Description Syntax
$ALMA Injects almanac (follows NovAtel ASCII log format)
$IONA Injects ionospheric refraction corrections (follows NovAtel ASCII log format)
$PVAA Injects latest computed position, velocity and acceleration (follows NovAtel ASCII log format)
$REPA Injects raw GPS ephemeris data (follows NovAtel ASCII log format)
$RTCA Injects RTCA format DGPS corrections in ASCII (Type 1) (follows NovAtel ASCII log format)
$RTCM Injects RTCM format differential corrections in ASCII (Type 1) (follows NovAtel ASCII log format)
$TM1A Injects receiver time of 1 PPS (follows NovAtel ASCII log format)
$UTCA Injects UTC information (follows NovAtel ASCII log format)
ACCEPT Port input control (set command interpreter) accept port,option
ANTENNAPOWER Power to the low-noise amplifier of an active antenna antennapower flag
ASSIGN Assign a prn to a channel # assign channel,prn,doppler, search window
UNASSIGN Un-assign a channel unassign channel
UNASSIGNALL Un-assign all channels unassignall
CLOCKADJUST Disable clock steering mechanism clockadjust switch
COMn Initialize Serial Port (1 or 2) comn bps,parity,databits,stopbits,
COMn_DTR Programmable DTR lead/tail time comn_dtr control,active,lead,tail
COMn_RTS Programmable RTS lead/tail time comn_rts control,active,lead,tail
CONFIG Switches the channel configuration of the GPSCard config cfgtype
CRESET Configuration reset to factory default creset
CSMOOTH Sets carrier smoothing csmooth value
DATUM Choose a DATUM name type datum option
USERDATUM User defined DATUM userdatum semi-major,flattening,dx,dy,dz,
rx,ry,rz, scale
DGPSTIMEOUT Sets maximum age of differential data to be accepted and
ephemeris delay
dgpstimeout value value
DIFF_PROTOCOL Differential correction message encoding and decoding for
implementation in the GPS card firmware
diff_protocol type key
or diff_protocol disable
or diff_protocol
DYNAMICS Set receiver dynamics dynamics option [user_dynamics]
ECUTOFF Set elevation cutoff angle ecutoff angle
EXTERNALCLOCK Sets default parameters of an optional external oscillator externalclock option
Sets clock rate external frequency clock rate
FIX HEIGHT Sets height for 2D navigation fix height height [auto]
FIX POSITION Set antenna coordinates for reference station fix position lat,lon,height [station id] [health]
FIX VELOCITY Accepts INS xyz (ECEF) input to aid in high velocity
reacquisition of SVs
fix velocity vx,vy,vz
UNFIX Remove all receiver FIX constraints unfix
FREQUENCY_OUT Variable frequency output (programmable) frequency_out n,k
FRESET Clears all data which is stored in non-volatile memory freset
HELP or ? On-line command help help option or ? option
LOCKOUT Lock out satellite lockout prn
UNLOCKOUT Restore satellite unlockout prn
UNLOCKOUTALL Restore all satellites unlockoutall
LOG Choose data logging type log [port],datatype,[trigger],[period],[offset],{hold}
UNLOG Disable a data log unlog [port],data type
UNLOGALL Disable all data logs unlogall [port]