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E-EQ-MX5CERG-F-ARC MX5X Reference Guide
Media Player
Access: | Programs | Media Player
There are few changes in the CE version of Media Player as it relates to the general desktop
Windows PC Microsoft Media Player options. Tap the <?> button to access Media Player Help.
Windows Explorer
Access: | Programs | Windows Explorer
There are a few changes in the CE version of Windows Explorer as it relates to the general
desktop PC Windows Explorer options. Tap the <?> button to access Windows Explorer Help.
Access: | Programs | Transcriber
Select Transcriber on the Start | Programs menu or tap the icon on the Desktop. To make changes
to the Transcriber application, enable or disable the current Transcriber session, etc., tap the hand
with a pen icon in the toolbar. Tap the <?> button or the Help button to access Transcriber Help.