Wavelink Avalanche Enabler Configuration 115
E-EQ-MX5CERG-F-ARC MX5X Reference Guide
Mobile Device Wireless and Network Settings
Once the connection to the Moble Device Server is established, the Enabler will attempt to apply
all network and wireless settings contained in the active profile. The success of the application of
settings is dependent upon the local configuration of control parameters for the Enabler. These
local parameters cannot be overridden from the Avalanche Mobility Console.
The default Enabler adapter control setting are:
• Manage network settings – enabled
• Use Avalanche network profile – enabled
• Manage wireless settings – disabled for Windows CE Units
To configure the Avalanche Enabler management of the network and wireless settings:
1. Open the Enabler Settings Panels by tapping the Avalanche icon on the desktop.
2. Select File | Settings. Enter the password.
3. Select the Adapters tab.
4. Choose settings for the Use Manual Settings parameter.
5. Choose settings for Manage Network Settings, Manage Wireless Settings and Use
Avalanche Network Profile.
6. Click the OK button to save the changes.
7. Reboot the device.
See Also: Using Wavelink Avalanche on LXE Computers.