
Appendix C MX5X CE .NET 4.2 231
E-EQ-MX5CERG-F-ARC MX5X Reference Guide
AppLock (Option)
Installed by LXE. The AppLock program is accessed by the user or the AppLock Administrator at
bootup or upon completion of a warm boot. Set parameters using the Administration option in the
Control Panel.
See Chapter 6 - AppLock for instruction.
JAVA (Option)
Installed by LXE. Files can be accessed by tapping Start | Programs | JEM-CE. Doubletap the
EVM icon to open the EVM Console. A folder of JAVA examples and Plug-ins is also installed
with the JAVA option. LXE does not support all JAVA applications running on the mobile device.
LXE RFTerm (Option)
Installed by LXE. The application can be accessed by tapping Start | Programs | RFTerm. Please
refer to Terminal Emulation Setup earlier in this guide for RFTerm quick start instruction. Refer to
the RFTerm Reference Guide on the LXE Manuals CD for complete information and instruction.
WAV files added by the user should be stored in System\LXE\RFTerm\Sounds.
Wavelink Avalanche Enabler
Requires the Windows CE 5 operating system.
Bluetooth Manager (CE .NET 4.2 only)
Note: Bluetooth Manager, Bluetooth service or options are not available for all MX5X devices
or in all MX5X software releases. Bluetooth access, modules and Bluetooth Manager on
the MX5X are not supported by LXE.
Access: Taskbar icon
Set the parameters for a Bluetooth radio. The Bluetooth Manager must be installed by
doubletapping the Bluetooth CAB file and then warm resetting the device. The Bluetooth icon is
placed in the taskbar.
Factory Default Settings
All Found Devices Untrusted
Tap the Scan Device button to locate Bluetooth devices in your wireless area. Tap the <?> button
and follow the instructions in the Help file to authenticate Bluetooth devices in your area.