Appendix C MX5X CE .NET 4.2 247
E-EQ-MX5CERG-F-ARC MX5X Reference Guide
Radios tab
Parameter Default
CF Slot Enabled Enabled (checkmark)
CF Slot Wakeup Enabled Disabled (blank)
PC Slot Enabled Enabled (checkmark)
PC Slot Wakeup Enabled Disabled (blank)
Bluetooth Radio Enabled Disabled (blank) [see Note]
Ethernet Enabled Enabled (checkmark)
Note: Bluetooth access, modules and Bluetooth Manager are not supported by LXE.
Misc tab
Parameter Defaults
Keyboard Backlight
Enabled (checkmark)
Nonvolatile option 52-key Standard
Options: 52-key Phone, 52-key
Stealth Mode Enabled Disabled (blank) [see Note]
Touch Panel Disabled Disabled (blank) [see Note]
Note: See previous section titled How To Disable Touch and / or Calibration upon Cold Reset
and How To Enable Touch and / or Calibration upon Cold Reset.