BIOS Setup 85
E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC MX3 Reference Guide
Power Management
When changes have been made, press an arrow key to go to another parameter or menu or press
ESC to go to the Exit Menu.
Power Mgt
This parameter must be set to On before timer options can be activated. When Power Management
is Off, the CPU setting is Full Speed.
Note: Critical Suspend. The Off Timer is ignored when Power Management is disabled -- the
MX3 will skip critical suspend mode (running on backup battery) and turn off
immediately. It will not use any backup battery power and currently unsaved information
will be lost.
Values: On, Off
Default: On
CPU and Suspend Timers and RF Communication
When using an MX3 with a 2.4GHz radio driver (see previous section titled “\PCTCP Files”), the
CPU and Suspend timers can be affected by the radio.
The 2.4 radio has a time-out setting. This time-out setting is in the radio config file under
inactivity time. This time, by default, is 5 seconds and is the lowest possible value. During this 5
seconds, the radio is polled which is detected by the MX3 BIOS as “activity”. As a result, the
MX3’s Power Management keeps resetting the CPU and Suspend timers.
Left Scan
Use this parameter to reprogram the button to the left of the display.
The factory setting for the left button is Numeric Keypad Enter.
Once reprogrammed and the BIOS change saved, the button will keep the setting over cold boots.
Values: Scan, Num Enter
Default: Num Enter
Endcap Possible Left Button Configurations
Blank Numeric keypad Enter
Scanner/serial Numeric keypad Enter
Serial/Serial Numeric keypad Enter
TN5250/5250 Terminal Emulation only:
Blank Field Exit w/ FLD EXIT label
Scanner/Serial Field Exit w/ FLD EXIT label
Serial/Serial Field Exit w/ FLD EXIT label