Installed Software 57
E-EQ-MX3RG-J-ARC MX3 Reference Guide
\IRDA Files
Filename Function
IRPLUS.EXE IrDA Lite Plus application. Data can be sent in both directions but not
at the same time.
See “PCMCIA Card Management and LXE DOS Computers”, for complete
instructions or troubleshooting when using these files.
Filename Function
CISDUMP Permits user to list and interpret contents of a PC Card’s Card
Information Structure (CIS) for debug use.
CNFIGNAM.EXE Driver that specifies which PC configuration should be accessed from
the PCM.INI file. This file is added to the CONFIG.SYS file.
DPMS.EXE Novell driver that provides memory management services.
PCM.EXE DOS-based utility for reviewing, modifying, or creating PC Card
Note: May or may not be present.
PCM.INI Stores PCMCIA configuration parameters.
PCMATA.SYS Device driver for ATA–IDE hard disk emulation. Used with SRAM
cards, rotating disk cards, or solid-state mass storage cards. This file is
added to the CONFIG.SYS file.
PCMCS95.EXE Card Services (driver), the operating-system–level program that
manages all PCMCIA cards. This file is added to the CONFIG.SYS
PCMFDISK.EXE Edits partition table for ATA PC Cards.
PCMRMAN.SYS Device driver that reads Card Services resources, passes data to Card
Services which then makes device allocations. This file is added to the
PCMSCD.EXE Device driver for FAX/Modem and LAN cards. This file is added to
the CONFIG.SYS file.
PCMSS.EXE Socket Services (driver), the BIOS–level program that functions as the
interface between the card socket and the Card Services program.