5-30 Error Codes
MX2 Reference Guide Revision A MX2A137REFGD
Error Codes
The following table lists error codes returned by XFER.
Value Mnemonic Description
0 OK All files transferred OK.
1 ABORT_FILESSKIPPED One or more files were skipped during a
multiple file download.
2 ABORT_TIMEOUT The transfer was aborted because of a
3 ABORT_KEYPRESS The abort key (ESC) was pressed.
4 ABORT_LINEERROR A communications line error (e.g.,
OVERRUN) occurred.
5 ABORT_FILEERROR A read, write, open, close, or access
error occurred on a file.
6 ABORT_FTPERROR An invalid file-transfer protocol option
was selected.
7 ABORT_CHECKERROR A checksum or CRC error occurred.
8 ABORT_MEMORYERROR An error occurred while trying to
allocate memory from the heap.
9 ABORT_RECEIVERERROR The receiver encountered a problem and
requested to skip the file.
10 ABORT_COMERROR An error occurred while opening the
COM port.
11 ABORT_ARGERROR An error in an argument (option setting)
occurred on the command line.
20 ABORT_UNKNOWN An unknown error occurred.
31 MODEM_ABORT_CONNECTION XFER could not establish a connection
with the remote end.
32 MODEM_ABORT_NORESPONSE The modem did not respond.
33 MODEM_ABORT_INIFILE The specified modem-initialization file
could not be found.