5-22 Multiple-Option Blocks
MX2 Reference Guide Revision A MX2A137REFGD
Multiple-Option Blocks
XFER supports multiple options after a single slash (/) or hyphen (-) on
the command line and in the XFER_ARGS environment variable. Each
of the following examples is a valid command line:
C:\> xfer /zrob115200 myfile
C:\> xfer /zro /d30 /b115200 myfile
C:\> xfer /zrw2 /o5c3f2 myfile
Any option can immediately follow another without a separate delimiter
(/ or -) unless the preceding option has a multicharacter setting. The
following options have multicharacter settings:
• B (baud rate)
• D (timeout)
• E (error count)
• I (modem-initialization file)
• M (modem command)
The setting for each of these options must be followed by a space.
Except for the I and M options, the option is ignored during parsing if
there is no space following its setting. For the I option, any extra
characters directly following the initialization-file filename will be
treated as part of the filename. Any extra characters following the M
option will be treated as part of the modem command; this may produce
modem-command syntax errors.
Correct examples:
C:\> xfer /zrob115200 myfile
C:\> xfer /zo5c3f2b115200 myfile
C:\> xfer /z /mA myfile
The first two command lines above are valid because the /b115200
setting is always at the end of the multiple-option block. Also in the
second example, the O, C, and F options all have single-digit settings.
Incorrect examples:
C:\> xfer /zb115200ro myfile
C:\> xfer /z /mAro6 myfile
In the first command line above, XFER would load and run. However,
the R and O options would not be detected, because the b115200 setting
is not followed by a space. Therefore, XFER would try to send the file