The Modem-Initialization File 5-25
MX2A137REFGD Revision A MX2 Reference Guide
This keyword specifies how the modem attempts to dial phone numbers.
This can be T for tone dial or P for pulse dial.
This keyword indicates whether responses received from the modem
should be displayed to the screen. Enable the keyword by setting the
value string to T (for true); clear it by setting the value string to F (for
This keyword is a list of response strings (expected responses from the
modem) that indicate that the connection to the remote end failed. These
strings contain text (such as NO CARRIER and BUSY) that the modem
might return on an error. Using a configurable list of errors allows the
serial-in/out modem run-time library to compensate for differences in
messages between individual modems. You can use the FAIL_STRING
keyword as many times as necessary to create the desired list. However,
the combined length of all the values assigned to FAIL_STRING cannot
exceed 115 characters.
This keyword controls the type of handshaking the MX2 will perform
with the modem. Generally, RTS/CTS handshaking is necessary to
support the advanced functions of modems, such as compression and
error-correcting protocols.
You can set this keyword to N for no handshaking, X for Xon/Xoff
software flow control, or R for RTS/CTS hardware handshaking.
Note: The HANDSHAKING keyword in the modem-initialization file
takes precedence over any flow-control options selected on the
command line in XFER.