
64 Geac System21 commerce.connect: Implementation on the iSeries Server
Test user
You must set up a test user profile, such as TSTUSR, for the JDBC connections for the test
instance. This user must use the job description created previously.
You do not need extra profiles for the test system in UserDirectory.XML or System21.
3.6.3 Server configuration
Copy the server objects into a new folder, such as /OrderManagement/test. This folder is
used in the examples throughout the following sections. Next, change the configuration files
listed in the following sections.
Server ejb_default.cfg
Change ejb_default.cfg to point to the correct place for environment.dir and log.config, for
Server log.cfg
Edit log.cfg so that log4j.appender.basic.File points to the log folder, for example:
Server standard.properties
Edit standard.properties as shown here:
Datasource.stateless: <
The datasource you want to use
The company you want to use
The test user defined previously
Password for this user
The GL company you want to use
See 3.6.4, WebSphere administration on page 65, for more information about the
Client folder
Edit or view the file PreGenerateBuyingLists.sh in the client folder to ensure it points to the
correct files as follows:
export ROSEAOHOME=/OrderManagement/test
Amend the port number on the echo java and java commands at the end of this script to
point to the appropriate port depending on the instance of WebSphere used. The default is
900, so to use port 902 change:
Stored procedures
Create the stored procedures in the same way as for the default instance. However, be sure
that the library list is set as tstomf3, tstomd3, tstd1f3, tstd2f3, tstslf3, and tstglf3.
In addition, it is possible that the actual RPG programs (not just the data files) may be in test
libraries. In this case, create new copies of the scripts and amend them to point at the new
libraries (for example, TSTOMD3).