Chapter 6. Tips and techniques 157
Figure 6-8 The WRKDTAARA command showing the SF99147 data area
If you see a data area, type 5 next to it to display its contents. The Display Data Area display
in Figure 6-9 shows a typical result.
Figure 6-9 Option 5 within the WRKDTAARA command showing data area contents
The PTF level is indicated in two ways:
The number after the PTF ID
3.5.x number at the end
Also, verify that the OS/400 release level (V5R1M0 in this case) matches your current release
level. If it does not, then this data area remains from before an OS/400 upgrade.
Another way to check the PTF level is to view the stream file
/QIBM/ProdData/WebASAdv/properties/com/ibm/WebSphere/product.xml. You can view this
in any of the ways described earlier. The contents are similar to those of the equivalent
Windows NT file.
6.4.2 Checking the WebSphere PTF level on a PC
The simplest way to check the PTF level on the console system is to start the console and
select the About option on the Help menu. This clearly shows the WebSphere version for
example, 3.5.4.