Chapter 3. Installing and setting up call.connect 51
Figure 3-22 Additional Meta (MIME) information for file extensions section
11.At the top of the page, select Administration.
12.Click the Manage HTTP Servers link in the left-hand panel.
13.On the Manage HTTP Servers page (Figure 3-18 on page 47), stop the HTTP Server and
then start it.
Configuring CallConnect.jnlp
In Windows Explorer, modify the /ordermanagement/client/callconnect.jnlp file as follows to
reflect the alias that you previously set:
Change the server name. Also change the following line to point to the correct iSeries and
port number:
<property name="java.naming.provider.url" value="iiop://<iSeries>:900"/>
The default port number for the default instance of WebSphere is 900.
Configuring JWS.bat
After you set up the HTTP Server, configure JWS.bat as explained here:
1. In Windows Explorer, enter your iSeries name in the following line in the
/ordermanagement/client/JWS.bat file:
"C:\Program Files\Java Web Start\javaws" http://<iSeries>/callconnect/CallConnect.jnlp
Attention: For increased security, configure the aliases in a similar way to those
suggested for the original server.