166 Geac System21 commerce.connect: Implementation on the iSeries Server
quote site namefmt 1 139
Rational Rose 10
Rational Unified Process 10
recursive delete 146
Redbooks Web site 161
Contact us x
redirection 151
remote invocation 18
Request Processing 43, 68
Request Routing 43, 68
Resource Analyzer 155
resource pooling 9
restoring libraries 76
rm command 149
RNM 144
RPG 18
S30 109
SalesOrder subsystem dependencies 11
SAV 144
scripts 150
secure.connect 1, 73
SecureWay 96
security services 9
SecurityManager.xml 92
SendTestMessage 36
separate memory pool 115
server ejb_default.cfg 64
server job view 112
server log.cfg 64
server Standard.properties 64
service program 127
session beans 17
setccsid 149
SEU 146
shared pool 115
shell 147
SIGKILL received 133
sourcing engine 3
SQL 18
system naming convention 30
SQL server jobs 124
standard error 151
standard error (stderr) 55
standard output 151
standard output (stdout) 55
standard.properties 35
Start jobs parameter 111
starting the trigger handler and AIF controller 106
starting WebSphere
default instance 106
other instances 106
stateful connection 122
stateless connection 123
stateless session beans 17, 122
static compilation 127
static program 128
static Web pages and files 49
stock allocation 3
stop and start WebSphere overnight 52, 105
stored procedures 18, 29, 64
stream file authority 145
stream files 138
strwasinst 77
supplier ID 92
supplier planning 5
supplier self-service application 4
system class loader 129
system name 159
system naming convention 30
System21 data setup 39
vendor.connect 87
System21 user profiles 37
tail 149
tail command 127
telesales orientated product 2
test instance of WebSphere 62
test user 64
Threshold parameter 111
Toolbox JDBC driver 113
total connections 124
touch command 142, 149
transaction inactivity time out 133
transaction management 9
transaction time out 132
translate CCSID 65535 30
UDB (Universal Database) 21
UDDI (Universal Description, Discovery and Integration)
UML (Unified Modelling Language) 10
Unicode 138
Unified Modelling Language (UML) 10
Universal Database (UDB) 21
Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI)
up-sell 3
user ID 92
user profile 87
user profiles 36, 87
vcadmin user in IBM SecureWay 100
vendor.connect 14
database triggers 87
introduction 4
job description 87
setting up MQSeries 88