
Chapter 3. Installing and setting up call.connect 53
Under normal circumstances, the application (for example, SalesOrder) continues to run in
WebSphere when the admin job QEJBADMIN is stopped. This means that to stop the system
overnight, the easiest way is to end QEJBSBS by using the following command:
This is a standard, tested iSeries command. It has the advantage of ending the JMS jobs and
any extra WebSphere instances. Users who want to end the subsystem more gently, may
want to use *CNTRLD end with a time limit. If you do not specify a time limit, the subsystem
will never end, because the JMS jobs keep running.
As an alternative for stopping and starting jobs, use XMLConfig as in a WebSphere
configuration. However, keep in mind that this method has not yet been fully tested by Geac.
3.3.3 Starting call.connect
To start call.connect, assuming the SalesOrder application was left running, you must follow
the steps to start WebSphere using either a default instance or other instances as explained
in the following sections.
Starting WebSphere (default instance)
With a default instance, you simply start QEJBSBS by using the following command:
This starts QEJBADMIN, QEJBMNTR, and the SALESORDER application. It requires some
time, possibly several minutes to start.
Starting WebSphere (other instances)
If you need to start more than one instance of WebSphere, use the following command:
This starts the test instance. You may start other instances while the default instance is still
3.3.4 Restoring IFS objects
If for any reason you need to restore the IFS objects for call.connect, use the following
command. Keep in mind that the system must have been previously backed up as
recommended in 3.3.1, Daily backups on page 52:
RST DEV('/qsys.lib/tap01.devd') OBJ(('/OrderManagement'))
3.4 Troubleshooting
If you followed the installation instructions exactly, the installation should proceed smoothly.
The primary cause of problems, particularly for those not experienced in these areas, is any
errors in installation steps. Therefore, if the system does not start correctly, you must first
carefully recheck all the installation steps.
You may also find the points in the following sections to be helpful. They are based on
experiences gained from installations carried out over several months on different iSeries